
Showing posts from October, 2023

War of the Worlds: Blog tasks

Media Factsheet Read  Media Factsheet #176: CSP Radio - War of the Worlds . You'll need your Greenford Google login to download it. Then answer the following questions: 1) What is the history and narrative behind War of the Worlds? Orson Welles’ 1938 radio play is an  adaption of H.G. Wells’ novel of the same  name, first published in 1898. It tells the  story of an alien invasion and the ensuing  conflict between mankind and an extra-  terrestrial race from Mars. The text has been  frequently interpreted as a commentary on  British Imperialism and Victorian fear and  prejudice. 2) When was it first broadcast and what is the popular myth regarding the reaction from the audience? Broadcast live on 30th October 1938, popular myth has it that thousands of New Yorkers fled their homes in panic, and all across America people crowded the streets to witness for themselves the real space  battle between earth and the Martians. 3) How did the New York Times report the reaction the next day?

Ignite presentation learner response

1) Type up your feedback  in full  including the ratings out of five for each of the categories.  WWW: -  good intro,fluent  - confident delivery - direct address to audience   - good slides:simple images - good references to media language e.g. low key lighting + camerawork - reference to mise-en-scene - setting - clothing -  stereotypes - postmodernism + intertextuality - industry - social media ,etc - linked to target audience pleasures EBI: - casting? Italian  - narrative terminology - enigma codes - what does it communicate? needs more depth in for media language - media theories  - explain stereotypes more and link to Gilroy - watch sumotherhood - identity conventions  - include audience theories  1: 3 2: 3 3: 2 4: 3 5; £ 6: 4 = 18 2) Use this feedback, comments from peers and your own reflection on your presentation to  self-assess  and write your own detailed  WWW  and  EBI  for your coursework concept and presentation as a whole. WWW: covers everything with good thinking on th

preliminary exercise

Now complete the following tasks: 1) Choose at least  three  TV dramas similar to your concept and watch at least one scene from each. Make  bullet-point notes  on everything you watch, commenting on camerawork, editing, sound and mise-en-scene. 1: Top Boy - continues shots/cuts with fast paced editing  - softer lighting with a lot of shadows created - diegetic sound comprised of dialogue and sounds from scene e.g. suppressed gun